Showing 1–12 of 27 results
“Omnis” Ring
2,400 lei – 2,700 leiDelicate ring made of gold with natural diamond. It symbolizes duality and complementarity. The name of the ring, Omnis, means “all” in Latin.
Black is the New Gold Ring
1,850 lei – 2,100 leiIt is a mysterious and surprising ring, with a delicate composition that contrasts nicely with the rough texture of the gold beaten with a hammer.
Classic-Contemporary Ring 18
3,100 lei – 6,700 leiIt is a sculptural and non-conformist piece that has as a starting point, in terms of design, the reinterpretation in a contemporary version of the classic solitaire ring. The ring is gently twisted around the finger and the position of the stone can be adjusted: either worn sideways, between the fingers, or centrally.
Classic-Contemporary Ring 18 Planet-friendly
3,100 lei – 3,500 leiIt is a sculptural and non-conformist piece, a contemporary reinterpretation of the classic solitaire ring.The “green” choice refers to the origin of the stone, moissanite, which is created in the laboratory. It has characteristics very close to that of diamond, without mining and the carbon footprint generated by its creation is smaller than that generated by obtaining natural stones for jewelry. -
Dual_Black Ring
2,200 lei – 2,600 leiDelicate ring crafted from two profiles: square and round that meet in a delicate setting which nests a black diamond. The ring symbolizes the feminine/masculine duality and the 2 destinies encounter.
Dual_White Ring
2,500 lei – 2,900 leiDelicate ring made up of two profiles: square and round that meet in a delicate frame that houses a white diamond. The ring symbolizes male / female duality and converging destinies.
Embrace Ring
1,900 leiA reinterpretation of the classic solitaire ring, “Embrace” ring is a delicate and mysterious piece of jewelry.
Face to Face Ring
4,450 lei – 5,000 leiElegant ring crafted in gold with a sculptural volumetry that discreetly integrates two natural diamonds.
Inel din aur cu diamant brut Raw Black
2,900 lei – 3,300 leiUn inel delicat, simplu și cu subînțeles: lucrurile valoroase nu sunt neapărat strălucitoare, sunt mai degrabă subtile, pure și trainice ca un diamant brut.
Inel din aur cu diamant lab grown Dune
3,950 lei – 4,550 leiEste o piesă sculpturală și nonconformistă ce are ca punct de plecare, în ceea ce privește designul, reinterpretarea într-o versiune contemporană a inelului clasic solitaire. Inelul se răsucește cu delicatețe în jurul degetului iar poziția pietrei poate fi ajustată: fie purtată în lateral, între degete, fie central.
Inel din aur cu diamant lab grown Étoile
3,950 lei – 4,450 leiNight Sky este un inel misterios, elegant și delicat realizat din aur de 14K sau 18K – alb, roz sau galben și încununat cu un diamant lab grown.
Knot no. 2 Ring
800 leiThe Knot ring is simple and delicate, being made of a single gold thread it subtly symbolizes unity and continuity.