Showing 1–12 of 136 results
“Oak” Wedding rings
4,840 lei – 6,160 leiOrganic texture wedding rings resembling the oak tree’s bark.
“Omnis” Ring
2,400 lei – 2,700 leiDelicate ring made of gold with natural diamond. It symbolizes duality and complementarity. The name of the ring, Omnis, means “all” in Latin.
”Just the two of us” Wedding Bands
4,500 lei – 5,650 leiA pair of simple wedding bands yet with a lot of personality for all you nature lovers out there.
Absinthe Ring
3,300 lei – 3,700 leiA spectacular and elegant ring adorned with a braid of delicate gold threads and a deep green natural emerald.
Alma Ring
5,200 lei – 5,700 leiAlma Ring is a delicate, timeless piece. The distinctive detail we integrated in its design consists of the way the arms supporting the gemstone detach from the ring and delicately intertwine around the diamond.
Aria Ring
2,300 lei – 3,600 leiAria Ring is is a contemporary, delicate yet powerful piece. Crafted in gold with a beautiful natural diamond or moissanite, it is inspired by the classic solitaire ring with a twist of contemporary design.
Black is the New Gold Ring
1,850 lei – 2,100 leiIt is a mysterious and surprising ring, with a delicate composition that contrasts nicely with the rough texture of the gold beaten with a hammer.
Cercei din aur cu perle Unfold
2,950 lei – 3,550 leiDesignul fluid al cerceilor Unfold creează un accent contemporan, dar rafinat, perfect atât pentru ținutele de zi cu zi, cât și pentru cele destinate escapadelor urbane sau serilor de gală. Fiecare cercel este decorat cu o perlă de cultură naturală, amplasată cu grijă pentru a sublinia finețea și armonia designului.
Classic Diamond no.2 Ring
5,400 lei – 5,800 leiThe Classic Diamond ring is a delicate piece, brought to the contemporary by the simple, essentialized shape of the solitaire engagement ring.
Classic Diamond Ring
6,300 lei – 6,750 leiThe Classic Diamond ring is a delicate piece, brought to the contemporary by the simple, essentialized shape of the solitaire engagement ring.
Classic-Contemporary no. 21 Ring
3,200 lei – 3,600 leiGold ring with natural emerald. We combined the classic style of the solitaire ring with our contemporary design in order to create a timeless and elegant piece.