Custom designs, personalised gifts and more

How can we help:

Personalized jewelry for marketing campaigns – we handle both the conceptualization and design of the object, as well as the execution and packaging.

Personalized jewelry or pieces from our portfolio for corporate gifts (winter holidays, anniversaries, events, etc.). We provide preferential prices for large orders.

Consulting for product development and execution – we collaborate with brands that want to develop a line of jewelry / accessories crafted in precious metals.

We simplify the process for custom projects

Because we like to be efficient and we’re convinced that’s what you’re also looking for.
The minimum information we need to respond with an offer for your project in
24-48 hours is: the type of jewelry you are interested in (necklace/ pin/ cufflinks, etc.), material (precious – gold/silver, non-precious – copper/ brass/ bronze, etc.) , deadline, budget and if it is a predefined graphic, for example a logo, or if it is a piece created from scratch, starting from a concept.

let’s talk

For a personalised offer just leave us a message here with the suggested details listed above and we’ll get back to you  in a maximum of 48 hours. You can also contact us directly by phone:  +4 0746 175 826

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